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Tiradientes wrote:

Sorry I wasn't clearer. Uploading the ZIP file is no problem. I want to click on it and have it open (as it does in Total Commander) to the root directory. On the opposite pane I go to the same directory and then COPY to move all the files to their proper subdirectory.

I see. WinSCP does not allow that. Neither there are plans to implement that.

Sorry I wasn't clearer. Uploading the ZIP file is no problem. I want to click on it and have it open (as it does in Total Commander) to the root directory. On the opposite pane I go to the same directory and then COPY to move all the files to their proper subdirectory.

Re: Copying ZIPped files

So do you want to upload the ZIP file as is or upload the files from within the ZIP file?

Copying ZIPped files

In Total Commander, I can make a ZIP file with all recently changed files, and then copy them to another computer with the same directory structure just by clicking on the ZIP file and choosing COPY.
In WinSCP, when I click on the ZIPped file, Notepad opens with a few lines of garbled text. Do I have to take the extra step of UNZIPPING all the content first before copying it over? Or is there some way to make WinSCP work the way Total Commander does?