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Topic review


problem eliminated

The cause of the problem was the lnk-file, which i created to start WinSCP. I created a new lnk-file and now it works fine.
It is a strange problem, i can't reproduce it and there is no i difference between the settings.

Many thanks for your answers.

Re: WinSCP cannot open the ini file

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Re: WinSCP cannot open the ini file


I deleted the ini-file and started WinSCP as administrator.
The problem also occurs with SSH.

Re: WinSCP cannot open the ini file

Have you created the INI file as administrator as well?

WinSCP cannot open the ini file


I want open an ftp connection without encryption.
WinSCP aborts with the error message Cannot open file "path to the ini-file". The settings are stored in the ini-file.
I start WinSCP with /ini=IniFile and /log=LogFile, i try other settings with no logging.

The log contains the following:
Using FTP protocol.
Attempt to close connection due fatal exception:
(EFOpenError) Cannot open file "path to ini-file"
(ESshFatalError) Cannot open file "path to ini-file"
connection aborted

the enviroment: Win7 x64, executed as administrator