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Re: sort by owner/group

Anonymous wrote:

I don't fully understand your question. Could we discuss this issue by e-mail. May I send you a mail?

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Re: sort by owner/group

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

i. e. in some directories the file list looks like above even after sorting by group.

So what's difference between directories, where it works and those where it does not?

I don't fully understand your question. Could we discuss this issue by e-mail. May I send you a mail?

Re: sort by owner/group

Anonymous wrote:

i. e. in some directories the file list looks like above even after sorting by group.

So what's difference between directories, where it works and those where it does not?

Re: sort by owner/group

martin wrote:

Can you be more specific as to what is wrong? Screenshots from 4.2.2 and the latest version might be useful.

I try to give an example: Consider a directory

Name Group
FileA grp0
FileB grp1
FileC grp0

After selecting Remote -> Sort -> By Group, I would expect FileB to be at the bottom of the list if sort order is ascending. But this is not always the case, i. e. in some directories the file list looks like above even after sorting by group. (Due to restrictions in my environment, I can't give screenshots, i'm sorry.)

With respect to this, there is no difference between 4.2.2 and the latest version. Unfortunately, I cannot test if the behaviour would be different when using FTP instead of SFTP.

Re: sort by owner/group

Can you be more specific as to what is wrong? Screenshots from 4.2.2 and the latest version might be useful.

sort by owner/group


I am using sftp to connect to a Solaris system. In the remote panel, the sort-by-owner (or group) function seems not to work properly. I fancy it did behave as expected in some version prior to 422, but since then it does not. Or is this because I switched from ftp to sftp?