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32bit version of tortoise svn

Agent wrote:

I've now installed tortoise svn (64bit) and this one also does not appear in the context menu

If you install the 32bit version of tortoise svn you will probably find that the context menu appears for you (untested for WinSCP but it worked for me in another program). You can safely install the 32bit version alongside the 64bit version, just install it under a different name "TortoiseSVN 32bit" or similar.

Agent wrote:

Any update on this one?

No update yet.

Or would a 64bit version of winscp work?

Yes it would help. But that's long term goal.

Hi Martin,

Any update on this one?
I've now installed tortoise svn (64bit) and this one also does not appear in the context menu
when using winscp. But it show up in explorer.
Is there any chance to workaround this? maybe by some manual registry adjustments related
to winscp?
Or would a 64bit version of winscp work?

Regards Agent

Really very much appreciated cause I really really miss that one :D

Thanks in advance. Looking forward to your findings.

Kind regards Agent

Agent wrote:

I don't think so, because at least my installation of winzip is a 32bit version.

That does not necessarily mean it did not install 64bit extension. I'll check it.

As you did not mention that to be a configuration issue in winscp, any chance to get this reported as a bug.

It is not a bug. 32bit process cannot interact with 64bit shell extension.

Hi prikryl,

I don't think so, because at least my installation of winzip is a 32bit version.
I'm really missing at least this 2 menus cause I'm very often (7)zipping files before transferring
As you did not mention that to be a configuration issue in winscp, any chance to get this reported
as a bug.
It is really very uncomfortable to prior use the windows explorer doing this tasks before I can use
winscp to transfer.
Really looking for some solution here because winscp has become my favorite over the years :-)

Regards Agent

Re: Different context menu (right mouse click on a file) in Win7

It is probably because the winzip and 7zip register the context menu extensions for 64bit processes only. WinSCP is 32bit process.

Different context menu (right mouse click on a file) in Win7


not sure if this is a bug or just a configuration issue.
I'm using Windows 7 64bit an WinSCP.

When doing a right mouse click on a file the context menu is different in Windows Explorer & WinSCP.
What I'm missing when doing this right mouse click in winscp is for example the submenu for WinZip or 7zip.

Attached picture maybe show it better than 1000 words ;-)

Is this a configuration issue in WinSCP or a bug/ limitation on Windows 7?
I had WinSCP on XP installed before and never had this issue there.

Any thoughts?

Kind regards Agent

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