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Topic review


The previous issue was specifying a port number. This issue is using the /explicitssl and /explicittls parameters. It's not recognizing these.

Re: Parameters not working for encryption type

Sorry, not having enough time to read this carefully. What is this different to the problem we have already solved?

Parameters not working for encryption type

I'm trying to setup a script that specifies an explicit connection using port 21. If I use ftps in the session it tries to connect over 990. If I use ftp it tries to connect with no encryption. I've tried putting the parameters in multiple places with the same results.


open /passive /explicitssl
option confirm off
option transfer binary

Results: connects to 990 using implicit encryption


open /passive /explicitssl
option confirm off
option transfer binary

results: connection via port 21 with no encryption

I've tried putting in the command line in different places as well

winscp.exe /script=c:\script.txt /passive /explicitssl /log=c:\log.txt

winscp.exe /passive /explicitssl /script=c:\script.txt /log=c:\log.txt

winscp.exe /script=c:\script.txt /log=c:\log.txt /passive /explicitssl

It appears to be ignoring the passive and encryption parameters and relying strictly on the protocol for it's connection method. Any suggestions? Thanks!