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Re: Access Violation

XaosSlaad wrote:

When I connect to my systems (a few Fedora Core 1 and one Solaris 9 SPARC) I establish the session OK using the explorer like interface. However, if I try to change directory to the directory above the one I am in (using the address bar) I get this message:

This is probably the same error as reported by Paul (Matchstick). It will be fixed in the next release.

I can browse into subdirectories, but never back up again

To go back to parent directory you can use the respective button on toolbar (up-arrow over folder icon) or backspace key.

Access Violation

When I connect to my systems (a few Fedora Core 1 and one Solaris 9 SPARC) I establish the session OK using the explorer like interface. However, if I try to change directory to the directory above the one I am in (using the address bar) I get this message:

Access violation at address 00535FB8 in module 'winscp3.exe'. Read of address 0000013E

I can browse into subdirectories, but never back up again. This error does not occur if I use the Norton Commander interface. When I hit OK I am prompted with the same message again, then if I press OK again I am allowed to resume my session, though not in the higher directory I wish to be in.

This same functionality worked in 3.4.2.

The only thing I see unusual with logging on are the two messages, one for each time I press OK:
(EAccessViolation) Access violation at address 00535FB8 in module 'winscp3.exe'. Read of address 0000013E
(EAccessViolation) Access violation at address 00535FB8 in module 'winscp3.exe'. Read of address 0000013E

Re: Access Violation in v3.5

Matchstick wrote:

just tried the Debug version (I assume I just move the files from the archive in to the WinSCP3 directory and overwrite as necessary) and now it just seems to crash on start-up, before any of the WinSCP screens are displayed, with the message:
"Code Guard detected error(s) in the program. A log file will be created"

The contents of the WinSCP3.cgl file are:
"Error 00001. 0x400000 (Thread 0x0848):
Exception 0xC0000005: Access violation at 0x0."

I have maybe found the problems already. But in all cases, I'm just uploading
new debug version. Please try it again and send me the .cgl file. Thanks.

Re: Access Violation in v3.5


just tried the Debug version (I assume I just move the files from the archive in to the WinSCP3 directory and overwrite as necessary) and now it just seems to crash on start-up, before any of the WinSCP screens are displayed, with the message:
"Code Guard detected error(s) in the program. A log file will be created"

The contents of the WinSCP3.cgl file are:
"Error 00001. 0x400000 (Thread 0x0848):
Exception 0xC0000005: Access violation at 0x0."

Sorry about this :(

Re: Access Violation in v3.5

I'm just uploading debug version of WinSCP 3.5. Please try to reproduce the bug with it. Send me an error message and the file WinSCP3.cgl, which it generates to my email address.

Reinstallation likely won't fix it :-(

Access Violation in v3.5


I've just upgraded WinSCP v3.4 to v3.5 on two different WIn2k machines and I'm now getting access violations on both copies when I try changing the remote directory address List box. The local address listbox works fine as does changing the remote directory using the Parent and root Directory buttons.

"Access Violation at address 00535FB8 in module 'WinSCP3.exe'. Read of address 0000013E"

I havent tried uninstalling and installing v3.5 directly yet, is that likely to fix it ?

