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Re: Files are transferring empty

What protocol? Have you tried any other file transfer client with the same protocol? Can you post a log file?

Files are transferring empty


I am using the most recent version (just upgraded, older version did this too) and I am trying to upload files to a Linux server from my Vista PC. There are no permission or storage problems.

1) I upload a file, and it tells me it uploaded, but the target file size is zero. I try again, and usually after 4-5 times it transfers.

2) I use the editor to edit a file remotely. when I save, about 50% of the time the file size goes to zero. Try a few more times and it usually works. Usually.

Any help is appreciated.

Re: Files Being Transferred are Empty

Sorry, your post does not include enough information.

Please read how to troubleshoot problems with WinSCP. If it turns out that you are not able to help yourself, read how to ask for support or report bugs efficiently, so others can help you.

Anyway, my hint is that your remote filesystem is full.

Files Being Transferred are Empty


I'm using WinSCP to transfer files over to a Linux box. When I move files across to a directory the filename appears but it is empty.

The directory has full open permissions.

Is there anything else I should look at? This is pretty mystifying to me.
