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I have sent you a debug version.

Because I've tried it with other users already. But anyway, I'll send you a debug version.

So, how do you know that the problem won't occur. I am certainly willing to try turning on debugging/tracing and see if it is still reproducable.

RedBullet wrote:

So, you are able to reproduce it?

No I'm not.

So, you are able to reproduce it?

RedBullet wrote:

is there any debugging output or logs I can generate to send along that might help?

Problem is that debugging slows down the transfer effectively preventing the problem to occur.

is there any debugging output or logs I can generate to send along that might help?

OK, thanks.

I used a client on my Ubuntu box, and I used pscp from my windows box (same windows box that was experiencing problems with WinSCP.

I have seen the same problem on all my windows boxes (64-bit Win7), and it happens everytime.

RedBullet wrote:

Nope. Other clients work like a champ.

OK, which did you try?

Nope. Other clients work like a champ.

Re: Timeout when SCP from a server?

Do you have the problem with other SCP clients?

Timeout when SCP from a server?

So, I have seen this problem on several machines (with the current version of WinSCP).

The behavior is that ti starts downloading a file and gets about 470M completed. WinSCP then appears to hang briefly, and then timesout.

Any ideas?