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Re: Prevent starting more than one sftp session

Kirk Wolf wrote:

The sftp packet architecture surely allows multiple transfers simultaneously on the same session.

SFTP does, the other protocols do not. I'm not going to have special implementation for SFTP.
Kirk Wolf

Re: Prevent starting more than one sftp session

martin wrote:

Not anymore. This feature was removed in WinSCP 4.1.

I tried 4.0.7 and it seems to insist on starting a new SSH session when saving an edit window. I can find no option in Preferences/Transfer/Background that will disable this.

We have had many requests to get WinSCP working properly with IBM mainframes, and this feature is unfortunately the root of most of the problems - there are special "settings" (think "quote site ....") that are particular to MVS filesystems that can be set for a running session, and starting a new sftp session loses these. Is there an architectural reason that a single session will not work? The sftp packet architecture surely allows multiple transfers simultaneously on the same session. We might be willing to build our own patches if there were a chance that it would work. Any advise would be appreciated.

Re: Prevent starting more than one sftp session

Not anymore. This feature was removed in WinSCP 4.1.

Prevent starting more than one sftp session

When editing a file with the internal editor and saving, the upload occurs on a new sftp session. Is there a way to configure WinSCP to use the existing sftp session instead (and never start a new session)?

--Steve Goetze