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Re: set permissions / executable bit of directory

honey wrote:

i use scp. why didn't you enter all subdirectory's?

i know chmod -R, but obviously it didn't work for subdirs.

It works for sub dirs, but you cannot specify different mode for subdirs and files in sub dirs.
I do not enter the sudirs, because it would take too much time and the benefit is only that sub dirs get the X, when the respective option is on. The recursive change of mode works otherwise.

Re: set permissions / executable bit of directory

i use scp. why didn't you enter all subdirectory's?

i know chmod -R, but obviously it didn't work for subdirs.

Re: set permissions / executable bit of directory

Option 'Add X to directories' does not work recursively with SCP protocol, only with SFTP. What protocol are you using?

This because with SCP the permissions can be set otherwise recursively with one command (chmod -R), so I avoid entering all subdirectories recursively only because the 'Add X to directories' option. With SFTP, there is no recursive command for setting the permissions, so as I need to enter all subdirectories anyway, I set 'Add X to directories' recursively too.

set permissions / executable bit of directory

while changing properties i found something like a bug:

Select a directory including some subdirs and files.
Then select 'Properties' in Menu.
Change Permissions To 660, Enable 'Add X to directories', Enable 'Set group, owner and permissions recursively' and press 'OK'
after process is complete, go into directory and check permissions of a subdir. it's changed to 660 but should be something like 760 or 770.

am i wrong??