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Re: Copy from remote to local by drag-and drop.

Anonymous wrote:

Thank you, what you suggest works all right.
To copy from local, I click on the item to be copied, move the cursor to my remote directory,
unclick, and the deed is done. No key involved.
Is it a problem?

This is fine. But I've meant simple copying from local to local (in Windows Explorer, not WinSCP). How do you do this?

Re: Copy from remote to local by drag-and drop.

martin wrote:

How do you copy files on local drive, if not using Ctrl key?

Thank you, what you suggest works all right.
To copy from local, I click on the item to be copied, move the cursor to my remote directory,
unclick, and the deed is done. No key involved.
Is it a problem?

Re: Copy from remote to local by drag-and drop.

I suppose that what you need is to hold Ctrl key, while dragging the files (plus sign will appear by the cursor). Is it same as when you copy files on local drive. How do you copy files on local drive, if not using Ctrl key?
Alain Bruguieres

Copy from remote to local by drag-and drop.


When I drag-and-drop a file from a local directory to a remote directory, the file is copied and this is just what I want.
However when I drag-and-drop a file from remote to local, it is moved (erased from remote).

I would like to copy a file from remote to local by drag-and-drop.
How can this be done? Is it just a matter of settings?

Congratulations for this great software!

Best regards