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Topic review


WOW awesome, thanks.

Re: How to change owner of subfolders/files (not CHMOD)

Right click the permissions box and select Leave as is (you need to have recursive mode selected already before).

How to change owner of subfolders/files (not CHMOD)

I see the tick box on rightclick/properties of a folder to set permissions recursively. but I dont want all the subfolders/files to share the same permissions, I just want to change the owner. By permissions Im referring to the CHMOD status, I dont want everything to be 664 for example.
Reason being I upload all my files etc to my VPS using Winscp, and I login using "root"
then I want to edit those files using a text editor, but the text editor logs in using the ftp login username. I cnat make these changes though until I change the owner on these files using winscp. Id like to be able just to do that once to the whole dir after uploading it.