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Topic review


Configuration problem

I'm hoping someone could help me fix my connection problem.

Unsecured FTP works fine. Trying to configure a secure connection, but unable to do so successfully. The issue is not specific to WinSCP--other FTP clients give similar results.

Have done testing on 3 different computers (including a Mac and Windows XP) and with a Verizon Wireless MiFi card and a Verizon Broadband card. I have also turned off WIndows Firewall and my VirusScan software.

Also, SFTP works fine to another Hosting company.

WinSCP 4.2.7
Windows Vista
FTP, TLS Explicit
GUI Commander

Timeout detected.
Could not retrieve directory listing
Entering Passive Mode (205,134,239,130,187,108)
Error listing directory '/'.

Log: Will email log file.

Thank you for any help you can provide.
