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It worked!

I did have a second monitor active for some reason and it worked to disable it!
WinSCP up and running again.

Thanks a lot man :-D

OK, first I would try to go to Windows display preferences and check that you do not have a secondary monitor configured. If you do, disable it.

Otherwise, you can try to give the window a focus (clicking on its icon on the taskbar) and press Alt-Space, it should reveal the menu, you would otherwise get by right-clicking the window title. Select move there and use right arrow key to bring the window back to desktop. But of course, if you have a secondary monitor configured, the menu will appear on the non-existing monitor. So first follow the first suggestion.

no, it just flies to the left of screen - I can't see it..

OK. But I suppose you see piece of the window, if you know it is left of the screen, don't you?

don't know if icon is the right word, but the window, containing the program ifself flies out to the left of the screen, hence I can't work in it

Re: WinSCP opens left of screen

Crusader wrote:

the icon sort of disappears to the left of my screen.

What icon?

WinSCP opens left of screen

Until recently, WinSCP worked efficiently, but now, when I try to open the program, the icon sort of disappears to the left of my screen. I can minimize it, and see it opened in the process line at the bottom of my screen, but can't do any work.
The Move option is not accessible. Uninstalling and reinstalling the newest version had no effect.
Any ideas?