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Re: (Brute) Force Binary Transfer Mode

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface\CopyParam]


(Brute) Force Binary Transfer Mode

is there a way to force WinSCP to use binary mode no matter what?
I have a weird problem that is NOT caused by WinSCP but by a bug in the sftp server and it could be solved by using binary mode for all files.
I already told the customer who has the problem to set WinSCP to binary mode in the options but it still uses ASCII/text mode for .php files. I also told him not to use the internal editor but to download files and open the local copy but apparently this doesn't work either, the log still shows ASCII mode. This might be a user error but unfortunately he is to far away to have a look at his configuration so I wonder if this is possible by editing a config file or something like that.
