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Re: How to filter folders and files?

Anonymous wrote:

OK, unless I missed something (again), I can't see a screenshot of this, is it easy to add multiple include/exclude masks? I've read a semi-colon or comma works in most places, but, if it's not already, could I ask for the UI for this to be a listbox so you can add/del masks easier?

Semi-colon works. List box can be added.

Also, I'd hate to ask "When is 4.2.8 coming out?", instead I'll ask: What is your release timeline?

I do not have any set timeline. Anyway, 4.2.8 is out in two weeks.

Re: How to filter folders and files?

martin wrote:

Please read documentation.

...ah, sorry, I still have version 4.1.9, this was added in...

    4.2 beta

    * Filter for file panel.
...I really thought I'd searched...(but everything came up as exclude mask for transferring files {which I can find/know how to do}...not a filter for the file panels {which I couldn't find}).

OK, unless I missed something (again), I can't see a screenshot of this, is it easy to add multiple include/exclude masks? I've read a semi-colon or comma works in most places, but, if it's not already, could I ask for the UI for this to be a listbox so you can add/del masks easier?

Also, I'd hate to ask "When is 4.2.8 coming out?", instead I'll ask: What is your release timeline?'s been 3 months since 4.2.7 & there are already changes in the "Not Released Yet" section, so when exactly do you cut a release free? 3 mos? 6 mos? just wondering. Even if you don't bump the version number, could you release a binary after each change?...or once a week?...with the "Not Released Yet" features in? Call it the WinSCP NRY edition. You have to run the compile for you to test it anywway, so just post the current compile, whatever state it's in.

Re: How to filter folders and files?

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Re: How to filter folders and files?

Sort of related by subject there any way to hide/ignore files? There are many files on my web host in my home dir created by cPanel, so I'd like a WinSCPIgnore list...a list of wildcards to hide from the remote panel. Possibly like the exclude mask, except I want a list of many separate masks & I want them hidden from the file lists...& while hidden they should not be part of any syncing or anything else either.

I almost thought I could hack it with the Listing Command, but that is only for SCP & is gray/disabled for SFTP.

I have searched but most results end up being about the exclude mask or something else than a filter/ignore list for the file list panels. Perhaps even support a separate filter/ignore list for the local panel...or make it be a flag per-rule, Local, Remote or both.

Re: How to filter folders and files?

Use exclude mask.

How to filter folders and files?


I have been testing WinSCP and I think is excellent. But I want to know something about filtering folders and files.

What should I do for the program to skip certain files and folders that must remain unchanged on the web server as if they did not exist?

I need to know how to do that to prevent the program spend time comparing the folders and files that should remain unchanged.

Thanks for any help