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Topic review


setting support for hidden files to off under ftp section seems to have remedied the problem. if any other incidents occur, I'll reply here again. Thanks for your help with finding this.

Re: Error Listing Directory, Can't Get Attributes of File

techstress wrote:

I think the problem is that WinSCP is using a LIST -a to try to retrieve the directory listing.

So disable Support for listing of hidden files on login dialog. If that does not help, please post a full log file.

Error Listing Directory, Can't Get Attributes of File

We have issues downloading certain folders from a ftp site when using WinSCP. We are able to download the files using Windows Explorer. I think the problem is that WinSCP is using a LIST -a to try to retrieve the directory listing. I also try to download a known file using get and relative path, but receive the following:

Can't get attributes of file '.\64 6-24-10\somefile.TIF'.
File or folder '.\64 6-24-10\somefile.TIF' does not exist.

WinSCP reports the following

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>)

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>)

Windows Explorer Capture

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>)

Uploaded with (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>)

ANy ideas on what to do?