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Topic review


Re: unable to list home directory

I do not know what it means. I was just pretty sure that there was no change between 4.2.5 and 4.2.7 that could introduce the problem.

Re: unable to list home directory

martin wrote:

Ok. Can you now reinstall the 4.2.7 over 4.2.6 and try again?

I made a complete install over 4.2.6 and now it's ok.
What does it means?
Should i do two installations?

Re: unable to list home directory

Ok. Can you now reinstall the 4.2.7 over 4.2.6 and try again?

Re: unable to list home directory

martin wrote:

Can you try 4.2.6?

Using 4.2.6 i can list the home directory.

Re: unable to list home directory

Can you try 4.2.6?

Re: unable to list home directory

martin wrote:

Can you post a log file both from WinSCP and Filezilla?

Using 4.2.5 all is fine.
Do you need the log anyway?

Re: unable to list home directory

Can you post a log file both from WinSCP and Filezilla?

unable to list home directory

I'm using winscp 4.2.7 build 758 in windows 2003 r2 sp2.
I'm using (for testing) in the same machine Core FTP server.
When i try to sftp using filezilla client all is ok
When i use winscp i can login but immediatly i recevive an error messagge:
Cannot get real path for '.'.
No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: No such file
Request code: 16
All is ok using filezilla client.
Can anybody help me?