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Re: Queue pane uses binary prefixes

I think the binary prefixes only add confusion because almost everyone uses powers of 10 to count things.

I do not think it is true.
Anyway, so you do you want to use prefixes for both places or use exact number for both?

Re: Queue pane uses binary prefixes

The lower pane displays KiB, MiB etc. The upper pane does not use any prefixes to display file sizes. I think the binary prefixes only add confusion because almost everyone uses powers of 10 to count things. I would prefer that WinSCP use SI prefixes, e.g. 1234 MB for 1 234 123 123 bytes, not 1205 MiB.

Re: Queue pane uses binary prefixes

I'm lost, please try again :)

Queue pane uses binary prefixes

The queue pane displays the transferred amount of bytes with binary prefixes (MiB) but the explorer-style file browser pane uses plain integers without any prefixes. SI prefixes would be easier to compare.