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Topic review


Re: Automation Script

Can you post a log file for both cases?

Re: Automation Script

Hello Prikryl,

Thanks for the reply.

The issue here, when I run a batch file which includes the code below, I don't receive any files from "ppasama01" folder, nevertheless I'm not facing any issues if I use the CMD window directly, please let me know comments.

winscp.exe /console /command "option batch on" "open ppasama01:PPAsama01@" "cd /ppasama01" "get *.txt c:\Bilal\" "exit"

Bilal Alassar

Re: Automation Script

Sorry, I do not understand what is the problem. What does not work? Under what circumstances?
Bilal Alassar

Automation Script


Currently we are evaluating WinSCP to automate the process of downloading the files from a specific folder from a public IP, but I'm still not able to resolve the issue, when I execute the command using the cmd, it works perfectly, please find below my code and let me know your response.

winscp.exe /console /command "option batch on" "open ppasama01:PPAsama01@" "cd /ppasama01" "get *.txt c:\Bilal\" "exit"

My Regards,
Bilal Alassar