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Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.

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(maximum 10 MB; please compress large files; only common media, archive, text and programming file formats are allowed)


Topic review



Yes, got your email response. Downloaded and installed latest debug version. Worked great until today. I'm sending the logs to you via email. Thanks.

Re: Latest problems

I've got it. And I've replied you on August 17th. I've resent my reply just now.

Re: Latest problems

martin wrote:

kballard wrote:

I've sent you the latest error logs via email. I believe I sent it Tuesday this week.

I take it that I didn't reply you. What was subject of the message?

Sorry, I should have been more clear. The subject was "RE: Error Log", and it was sent on August 16th.

Would you like me to re-send it?

Re: Latest problems

kballard wrote:

I've sent you the latest error logs via email. I believe I sent it Tuesday this week.

I take it that I didn't reply you. What was subject of the message?

Latest problems

I've sent you the latest error logs via email. I believe I sent it Tuesday this week.



It's 9MB. I can email to you.

Re: Error log

147 MB text file should be still reasonably large to email when compressed, shouldn't it?

Error log

The debug version is now throwing a similar but different error. I have the log, but do not see how to upload attachments here. I can upload the log contents, but it is a 147MB text file. If you can show me where to upload an attachment, or point me to the correct location in the log file to find the error, I can provide the info.


Re: Won't error now

Let me know if ever happens.

Won't error now

Well, now that I have the debug version, it won't error. Go figure. Thanks for your help.

Re: Getting an "Assertion Failed" error when using script

I have sent you a debug version.

Getting an "Assertion Failed" error when using script

OS: Windows Server 2003
WinSCP Version: 4.2.7
Protocol: SFTP

Script Used:
option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
open uname:password@server
put \\path\

I run the script via: /script="C:\scriptfile.txt"

When I run the above script, 4 times out of 5 I get the following error:
Assertion failed: xdrPtr && xdrPtr == *xdrLPP, file xx.cpp, line 2233

Once I click OK on that error, I get another message stating "Abnormal program termination"

The file being uploaded is usually about 190 MB in size. The machine on which the script is being called is a virtual machine, with full connectivity. The machine it's connecting to may sometimes drop the connection, but I don't think this is usually the case.