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Re: V3.5 under w2k and wxp can't change to /cygdrive - access failure

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I just click the drive drop-down on the remote panel, then select either /<root> or cygdrive. I suspect you are asking for a different answer, but I don't know how else to describe it.

Yes, I was asking for this. There is a bug in 3.5 that causes the remote drop-down to fail. Either use older version of WinSCP or use the "parent directory" and "root directory" buttons on the toolbar. It will be fixed in the next release.

Will do. Thanks for the response and support.


Re: V3.5 under w2k and wxp can't change to /cygdrive - access failure

Anonymous wrote:

I just click the drive drop-down on the remote panel, then select either /<root> or cygdrive. I suspect you are asking for a different answer, but I don't know how else to describe it.

Yes, I was asking for this. There is a bug in 3.5 that causes the remote drop-down to fail. Either use older version of WinSCP or use the "parent directory" and "root directory" buttons on the toolbar. It will be fixed in the next release.

Re: V3.5 under w2k and wxp can't change to /cygdrive - access failure

martin wrote:

How do you try to change the directory? What protocol (SCP/SFTP)?

I just click the drive drop-down on the remote panel, then select either /<root> or cygdrive. I suspect you are asking for a different answer, but I don't know how else to describe it. Do I have a choice somewhere to select which of the methods you mention to use?


Re: V3.5 under w2k and wxp can't change to /cygdrive - access failure

How do you try to change the directory? What protocol (SCP/SFTP)?

V3.5 under w2k and wxp can't change to /cygdrive - access failure

Just installed v3.5 on both windows 2K and windows xp systems. When trying to change directories to cygdrive or root (either w2k or wxp) on the remote system, get the following error (twice): Access violation at address 00535FB8 in module winscp3.exe. Read at address 0000013E. Version 2.2 runs fine.
