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Re: How to restore deleted files (WinXP)

shiva wrote:

Why is it disabled? Enable it! How should I know in advance that I accidentally delete something?

1) Most people don't expect it to be enabled and would be annoyed to find out, that files, they believe to be safely gone, are actually backed up somewhere (it's not like a local recycle bin, where others do not have an access too anyway, this is about remote and possibly shared system).
2) It requires a configuration of recycle bin location anyway, so it's not like that it can just be "enabled".

Re: How to restore deleted files (WinXP)

martin wrote:

WinSCP have recycle bin, but it is off by default.

Why is it disabled? Enable it! How should I know in advance that I accidentally delete something?

Well if you deleted it seems to be it will be impossible to restore. And "NO" it will not go to the recycle bin, it is the same with deleting stuff in your flash drive. Sorry to hear about it though :(

how to recover a deleted file

hi there, i deleted a file via win scp. now i need that to recover. is there any possibilties to recover it in the same server.
iphone stuffed up

Re: How to restore deleted files (WinXP)

Jeffwo wrote:

martin wrote:

Jeffwo wrote:

How to restore them? BTW...they are NOT in Windows Recycle Bin. Is there a WinSCP Recycle Bin?

I doubt that files deleted via SCP are moved automatically to anything like recycle bin on iPhone. WinSCP have recycle bin, but it is off by default. idea how to restore the files?

hi there,

i accidently deleted some files from within the same folder you accidently wiped out, did you end up finding a way to solve your problem.

i am a total noob - and any help would be appreciated?

Re: How to restore deleted files (WinXP)

Jeffwo wrote: idea how to restore the files?

No, sorry. You should better ask on some forum related to iPhone.

Re: How to restore deleted files (WinXP)

martin wrote:

Jeffwo wrote:

How to restore them? BTW...they are NOT in Windows Recycle Bin. Is there a WinSCP Recycle Bin?

I doubt that files deleted via SCP are moved automatically to anything like recycle bin on iPhone. WinSCP have recycle bin, but it is off by default. idea how to restore the files?

Re: How to restore deleted files (WinXP)

Jeffwo wrote:

How to restore them? BTW...they are NOT in Windows Recycle Bin. Is there a WinSCP Recycle Bin?

I doubt that files deleted via SCP are moved automatically to anything like recycle bin on iPhone. WinSCP have recycle bin, but it is off by default.

How to restore deleted files (WinXP)

I was trying to fix my iPhone Youtube problem and accidently deleted all files in this folder:


How to restore them? BTW...they are NOT in Windows Recycle Bin. Is there a WinSCP Recycle Bin?

Using WinSCP Version 4.0.6 (Build 358)
Win XP ...Transfer protocol SCP...Interface style Norton commander

Re: deleted a folder, don't know how to restore

I suppose that on Vista you will find the folder in Recycle bin.

deleted a folder, don't know how to restore

I develop on Windows Vista and was connected to my server using Ubuntu dapper.

I was trying to delete a folder on the Ubuntu side but I inadvertadently deleted both the folder on the Vista and Ubuntu side.

It's totally my fault and I am hoping someone has mercy on me and offers some advice on what to do.

What is the best way on either the Vista or Ubuntu side to handle this?

Thank you in advance for any help.

