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Re: file not found error when try to transfer the file with spac /console /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open user:pwd@myServer" "cd Upload" "put ""My SFTPTest.txt""" "exit" /log="C:\temp\Winscp.log"
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file not found error when try to transfer the file with spac

I am getting file not found error when I try the following cmd /console /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open user:pwd@myServer" "cd Upload" "put My SFTPTest.txt" "exit" /log="C:\temp\Winscp.l

Actually, I'm not quoting. As I found that scripting can be done, that is the likely solution I was looking for. Thank you for reply so far.

Re: Handling filenames with spaces

You can quote them in WinSCP too. Supposing you are using scripting interface of WinSCP.

Handling filenames with spaces

I believe this is an already answered question but here it goes.

I should upload a set of files whose names contain space characters. The upload is from a Windows host running WinSCP to a Unix ftp sever.
The obvious problem is that the Unix host doesn't allow writing filenames of such kind. More in general, using a vanilla command line ftp client I would use quoting the names in my put commands. How could I do that using WinSCP?
Thank you, Marco