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Re: Transfer of file with filesize 0

deoren wrote:

It might not be of much help, but I was having that problem when using SCP to copy empty ASCII files. When I switched to SFTP it went away.

The problem described above affects both SCP and SFTP. You have probably other problem. Let me know if your have further details on this.

Re: Transfer of file with filesize 0

Juergen Wiedemann wrote:

martin wrote:

This is known bug. It happens for upload of empty file in text (ASCII) mode only. It will be fixed in next version (this week).

Thank you very much. Juergen

Hey Guys,

It might not be of much help, but I was having that problem when using SCP to copy empty ASCII files. When I switched to SFTP it went away.
Juergen Wiedemann

Re: Transfer of file with filesize 0

martin wrote:

This is known bug. It happens for upload of empty file in text (ASCII) mode only. It will be fixed in next version (this week).

Thank you very much. Juergen

Re: Transfer of file with filesize 0

This is known bug. It happens for upload of empty file in text (ASCII) mode only. It will be fixed in next version (this week).
Juergen Wiedemann

Transfer of file with filesize 0

when trying to transfer a file with filesize=0 from w2k to solaris 9 (sparc) using winscp 3.4.2. (Build 197) I receive an error "EAccessViolation". Everything else works fine. Thank you for help.