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Re: Cant view .htaccess in SFTP even when show hidden files tick

WinSCP is based on PSFTP code. So it is reasonably safe to use.

Re: Cant view .htaccess in SFTP even when show hidden files tick

martin wrote:

So can you try another SFTP client to see if it displays hidden files? I'm pretty sure that PSFTP (command line client) never hides hidden files.

I will try. Do you know of any other free clients that are safe? I'm cautious about using an app I'cve never heard of and just found on google.


Re: Cant view .htaccess in SFTP even when show hidden files tick

So can you try another SFTP client to see if it displays hidden files? I'm pretty sure that PSFTP (command line client) never hides hidden files.

Re: Cant view .htaccess in SFTP even when show hidden files tick

martin wrote:

But can be enabled using other Apache configuration files.
No, its .htaccess . i set it up myself.

Re: Cant view .htaccess in SFTP even when show hidden files tick

But can be enabled using other Apache configuration files.

Re: Cant view .htaccess in SFTP even when show hidden files tick

martin wrote:

Definitelly, you can view hidden files with SFTP in general. Maybe your particular SFTP server prevents this, but I've never seen it before. How do you know the .htaccess file is there actually?

Hi Martin, because the password protection on the test site folder is working.


Re: Cant view .htaccess in SFTP even when show hidden files tick

Definitelly, you can view hidden files with SFTP in general. Maybe your particular SFTP server prevents this, but I've never seen it before. How do you know the .htaccess file is there actually?

Cant view .htaccess in SFTP even when show hidden files tick

I might be acting a little thick here because maybe using SFTP protocol doesn't allow for viewing hidden files like .htaccess but I just wanted to ask.

I have ticked the show hidden files checkbox in the panels menu. It says I can toggle this on and off using ctrl+alt+h but when I try this command nothing happens.

I read in the help files that filters can be added to the session in the session FTP settings but with SFTP there are no such filters to be specified.

What am I doing wrong? I just want to be able to view my .htaccess file.

I'm running the latest version of WinSCP on Windows 7 and viewing in the commander mode.
