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Re: WinScp hangs logging into server with read in /etc/profile

You may be able to alias the read command to noop before starting shell. See Shell option on Login dialog.

WinScp hangs logging into server with read in /etc/profile

WinSCP 4.2.8 (build 818) on XP Pro, using scp to a UNIX machine.

In the GUI, I log on to a central machine with centrally-controlled /etc/profile (in other words, I can't change etc/profile for anything!). I have ssh keys set up and in place.

It just hangs. I found out that logins to other machines work, because the server that's giving me problems has a read shell command in /etc/profile, and they don't. So scp is waiting for the login to complete, and /etc/profile is waiting for a newline. Classic deadly embrace!

Since it hangs, there is no error message.

Is there any way to get WinSCP to goose the server with a newline, to get past that doggone read in /etc/profile????