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Topic review


Allright, let's move this to wishlist then.

trybowski2 wrote:

In this case, let's add an option to switch the behaviour. This would avoid data loss while using WinSCP.

Maybe if more people ask for it.

In this case, let's add an option to switch the behaviour. This would avoid data loss while using WinSCP.

It is not possible. I do not consider it bug. WinSCP behaves exactly as it is allowed to.

WinSCP transfers files open for writing, causing data loss

I am having a huge problem with WinSCP. The files that I transfer with it, are truncated, but there is no error message in the log. WinSCP is run from script every 5 minutes. After an investigation it turned out, that WinSCP transfers the file while it is still being generated. I have no influence on the application that generates the file.

What I'd like is to have WinSCP not touch the file that is still being written to. That is, if file is locked for writing, but accessible for reading, ignore it. Is this possible?

If that's not currently possible, I propose this is treated as a bug and addressed ASAP.