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Anonymous wrote:

Any ideas Martin on how to configure WinSCP to use the standard FTP protocol? At least WinSCP lets you change the port...

WinSCP is NOT FTP client. It is SCP/SFTP client. Depsite the name SFTP has nothing to do with FTP from technical point of view. Of course the intent is the same, but SFTP is secure, while FTP is not.

I have the same problem and it appears that MY server does NOT recognize SCP or SFTP. I can ONLY FTP using Port 21 (another FTP program confirms this). So, apparently, SOME servers only accept connection requests on Port 21 using the standard FTP protocol. Any ideas Martin on how to configure WinSCP to use the standard FTP protocol? At least WinSCP lets you change the port...



Re: "server has not responded in 15sec"

Try to search the forum, I believe someone has posted here the solution already. Also, if you are using SCP protocol, try SFTP instead.

"server has not responded in 15sec"

This is the message that we are constantly getting when trying to move one or
more files at a time using high speed broadband. "server has not responded in15 sec" When transfering filie on the network there is never a problem...

does anyone have a solution for this?

thanks rick