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Re: WinSCP connection trouble

mudsling wrote:

I have a i phone 3gs 4.0.1 jail broken of course..
I have open ssh installed and enabled and im trying to connect to the i phone via WinSCP.. unfortunately i am having no luck.

I read the support/FAQ guide and have be trying things for the past 4 hours.. I have turned off my firewall and tried.. i have added WinSCP to my firewall so its not being blocked when the firewall is on.

I have tried restoring and re jail breaking my phone and no luck with that either.. I've gone through Google trying everything i could find..

I have winscp log if required that i can copy and paste if needed


Same :/

I've been having the same problem and done exactly the same things as you. Have you ever used WinSCP before? Because for me it's only just started not working, I've been using it since the iPod Touch 1g :? No idea what happened...

iPod Touch 3g, 4.0

WinSCP connection trouble

I have a i phone 3gs 4.0.1 jail broken of course..
I have open ssh installed and enabled and im trying to connect to the i phone via WinSCP.. unfortunately i am having no luck.

I read the support/FAQ guide and have be trying things for the past 4 hours.. I have turned off my firewall and tried.. i have added WinSCP to my firewall so its not being blocked when the firewall is on.

I have tried restoring and re jail breaking my phone and no luck with that either.. I've gone through Google trying everything i could find..

I have winscp log if required that i can copy and paste if needed