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Re: WinSCP v3.5.0 using sftp (v0) problem following symbolic links

martin wrote:

With SFTP version below 3 WinSCP does not work with symbolic links, because the protocol does not support them. Entering directory pointed by symlink may be possible anyway, but I do not have any server that supports SFTP below 3 available. So I cannot try it. Can you create a test account for me?

I was wrong when I told you the version of SSH. I was testing on a diferent computer which has an older version of SSH and because of this its ports are not opened for comunications outside my network for security reasons. Anyway, if you want I could leave you somewhere the binary of this old version of SSH for linux so you can test it. It is not a secure version anyway and should not be used.

So I have tried with the correct computer and the symb links are correctly followed, but with SFTP v3

Re: WinSCP v3.5.0 using sftp (v0) problem following symbolic links

With SFTP version below 3 WinSCP does not work with symbolic links, because the protocol does not support them. Entering directory pointed by symlink may be possible anyway, but I do not have any server that supports SFTP below 3 available. So I cannot try it. Can you create a test account for me?

WinSCP v3.5.0 using sftp (v0) problem following symbolic links


I'm usign the following software / protocols:

At linux RH 7.2
openssh 3.1
At winxp:
WinSCP 3.5.0
As protocol, WinSCP indicates:
sftp v0

This is what I have more or less at my remtre directory at the linux system.
lrwxrwxrwx [...] backup -> /export/backup

lrwxrwxrwx [...] bioinfo_share -> ../../../GROUPS/bioinfo/share
lrwxrwxrwx [...] curso -> ../../../GROUPS/bioinfo/public_html/curso/perl
lrwxrwxrwx [...] ftp_bioinfo -> ../../../ftp/pub/iib/workgroups/bioinfo
lrwxrwxrwx [...] web_bioinfo -> ../../../GROUPS/bioinfo/public_html
drwxr-xr-x [...] win_profile

Noone of these symb links appear to be directories as they are, but files, so when I try to open them I obtain the following error (in spanish):
Error sin especificar.
Código de error: 4
Mensaje de error del servidor: Ninguno (?)
Código solicitado: 5

The log file shows the following:

File: "/home/jmerino/data/info_services/web_bioinfo"
Copying "/home/jmerino/data/info_services/web_bioinfo" to local directory started.
Binary transfer mode selected.
Opening remote file.
Type: SSH_FXP_OPEN, Size: 61, Number: 17411
Type: SSH_FXP_HANDLE, Size: 17, Number: 17411
Type: SSH_FXP_READ, Size: 29, Number: 17669
Status/error code: 4, Message: 17669, Server: Ninguno, Language: ?
Type: SSH_FXP_CLOSE, Size: 17, Number: 17924
Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 9, Number: 17924
Status/error code: 0
(ECommand) Ha ocurrido un error al intentar copiar los archivos desde la localización remota
Error sin especificar.
Código de error: 4
Mensaje de error del servidor: Ninguno (?)
Código solicitado: 5

As I have read in other postings, people follows symbolic links without problems with this software, and I do follow symb links using cd with command line sftp from other linux system, what makes me think that I have misconfigured something.

May someone help?