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Re: WinSCP show documents

What do you mean by opening file in WinSCP? Do you open it in WinSCP internal editor? Or do youy open in in an external application?

WinSCP show documents

I have extensively searched on google,this site and asked advanced users for assistance without any luck. Can you please assist?
I log into a UNIX box with SFTP. After successful login when I open document(pdf or docx) which resides locally [on my machine; left panel] in the winSCP commander, the file is corrupted. (Corrupt: Meaning garbage charaters is given.) Opening the file *not* using WinSCP it is not corrupted. Hence, when I transfer the file to the server it is also corrupted. Details:
- win7 32bit
- WinSCP 4.2.9 (build 938)
I have used winSCP before earlier in 2009&2010 without this issue.
