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Topic review


Re: Assistance with synchronisation include mask

You need to include a mask that matches the "projXdir" directories, to allow WinSCP to descend into them, when looking for changes.

Assistance with synchronisation include mask


I am having difficulty constructing an appropriate include mask for synchronisation.

My situation is that there is a folder ("basedir") containing several IDE project directories ("proj1dir", "proj2dir" etc.), each of which contains a number of subdirectories - of which I would like to synchronise the contents of the "src" subdirectory in each case.

While I can manually navigate to each "src" subdirectory and perform a synchronisation, it seems as if it ought to be possible to synchronise the files from "basedir". I have read the relevant documentation and have attempted to do so using the include mask "*/src/*", but the synchronisation returns "No differences found" (almost instantly, without checking the subdirectories), even though there are definitely many differences! (I cannot be certain what file extensions will be in the /src/ directories.)

I am using WinSCP 4.2.9 on Windows Vista 32-bit.

I would be very grateful for any assistance with this. Might it also be worth extending the documentation to include some of the examples mentioned in previous forum threads on this topic?

Thank you for writing an excellent and indispensable piece of software.