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Re: pbrun and SFTP

martin wrote:

I do not know what is Power Broker's pbrun application.
What have you tried? What does not work? What error(s) do you get?

The pbrun command is used to request that an application or command be run in a controlled account(powerbroker).
powerbroker is providing a secured and logged access to functional IDs like root or oracle.

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Re: pbrun and SFTP

I do not know what is Power Broker's pbrun application.
What have you tried? What does not work? What error(s) do you get?

pbrun and SFTP

I'm trying to determine if it is possible to use Power Broker's pbrun application to change (su) to a different user using an SFTP connection. I've tried several variations of the SFTP Server command and have not yet been successful. Any ideas on how to accomplish this will be appreciated.