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Timestamp difference due to Windows 7 64bit?

I have recently updated to Windows 7 64bit. - WinSCP version 4.2.9
When I compare files between my local machine and my server I was getting a time difference of 1 hour.
I synchronised the files and they now appear to have the same timestamps.
When I compare the files on another computer running Windows XP and the same version of WinSCP I am showing the 1 hour time difference.
Example -
Computer 1 (Win7 64bit) - my_file.php 16/04/2009 14:29:42
Server - my_file.php 16/04/2009 14:29:42

Computer 2 (Win XP) - my_file.php 16/04/2009 14:29:42
Server - my_file.php 16/04/2009 15:29:42

Both versions of WinSCP are the same and are set up the same.

Is this a problem with Windows 7 64bit or am I missing setting something ?