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Proxy password export to putty chokes on special chars


I recently started using a SOCKS5 proxy to connect to my server. It has user/pass authentication which works perfectly in WinSCP. I configured WinSCP to hand over user/pass credentials to Putty, and it also tries to export the Proxy settings (which is exactly what i want) but Putty fails with the SOCKS5 saying invalid password.

Looked up the password in registry and it turns out, the \ in the password was replaced with %5C which obviously makes it fail whilst authenticating :/

Tried it in Putty itself to make sure it's not an Putty issue, and it works fine on it's own, so i guess that's an exporting issue with WinSCP.

I'm using Windows 7 64bit with WinSCP 4.2.9 in Explorer style if that makes any difference.