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Re: Data accidentally deleted with WinSCP. Recovery possible.

Apfelsine wrote:

Does WinSCP delete files in such a way that it can not be recovered?

It is the server who deleted the files in the end. So the question is, does you server delete files in such a way that it can not be recovered?

Data accidentally deleted with WinSCP. Recovery possible.

I made a huge error yesterday and deleted some folders on an external hard drive which was mounted to a linux machine running scientific experiments. I wanted to delete a lot of temporary files in the root directory of the drive and must have selected the folders containing data as well although I was sure I didn't. But the data is gone. The hard drive was formatted with FAT32 and the remote PC was running Ubuntu Alternate Edition 10.04. I shut down the remote PC immediately to stop more files being written to the drive. I took out the drive and tried using Recuva on a Windows machine to recover the deleted files. It did not find any files on the first scan, I'm now running a deep scan. The files were binary and zipped (.gz). Does WinSCP delete files in such a way that it can not be recovered? Any help would be appreciated.