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Re: SQL Server 2008and SSIS 2008

I am having the exact same issue on a 64 bit machine, trying to schedule a package to be run with Sql Agent. Winscp never starts, not even logging.

Re: SQL Server 2008and SSIS 2008

I'm not aware of any.

Can you post a log file?

SQL Server 2008and SSIS 2008

I have created a package using VS SSIS 2008 on a Windows 2008 64 bit Server that includes a sftp upload using winSCP. I was able to isolate this issue winscp (4.2.2 and 4.2.8 ) by only including the script task in the package. This package runs fine in SSIS and from the command prompt using 'dtexe'. I can even run it if I right click on the package and select 'run package' from the menu in SQL Management Studio. However, I am unable to run the package as part of a scheduled job in MSSQL or as a scheduled task on the 64 bit server. If I run it as a scheduled task on a 32 bit server, it runs like a charm.

Are there any known issues preventing winscp from functioning properly in a 64 bit environment when being called from a scheduler or a SQL agent job? If so, are there any work arounds?[/url]