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I try to put the file name inside the double quoute but still i couldn't upload filename with space

p.Arguments = "/console /command " & """" & "option batch on" & """ " & """" & "open " & My.Settings.FTPUsername & ":" & My.Settings.FTPPassword & "@" & My.Settings.FTPIp & """ " & """" & "put "" " & My.Settings.DestinationPath & "\" & vgrid.Item(1, i).Value '& " "" "" " & """" & "exit" & """"

how to change the current active directory by code

sivakl2001 wrote:

martin wrote:

So have you resolved your problem or not?

Not yet can uhelp me to solve this pbm

martin wrote:

So have you resolved your problem or not?

Not yet can uhelp me to solve this pbm

So have you resolved your problem or not?

Re: Specal Character in File name

Hi sorry if the Filename contains SPACE couldn't upload file

sivakl2001 wrote:

Hi if special Character in filename i got the Error Message

Error Code : 2
File or Folder doesn't exist

p.Arguments = "/console /command " & """" & "option batch on" & """ " & """" & "open " & My.Settings.FTPUsername & ":" & My.Settings.FTPPassword & "@" & My.Settings.FTPIp & """ " & """" & "put " & My.Settings.DestinationPath & "\" & vgrid.Item(1, i).Value '& """ " & """" & "exit" & """"

Specal Character in File name

Hi if special Character in filename i got the Error Message

Error Code : 2
File or Folder doesn't exist

p.Arguments = "/console /command " & """" & "option batch on" & """ " & """" & "open " & My.Settings.FTPUsername & ":" & My.Settings.FTPPassword & "@" & My.Settings.FTPIp & """ " & """" & "put " & My.Settings.DestinationPath & "\" & vgrid.Item(1, i).Value '& """ " & """" & "exit" & """"