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Deleting the troublesome "fi" characters & retyping allowed me to copy files across. Weird?!?

OK, let me know.

This may be the way WinSCP handles text as there is no special character under Windows. I will try renaming. I came to same conclusion last night, it must be file syntax like error says.

Seeing "Raggamuf?n" in the path, it looks like there's some special character/letter in the name in place of "fi". Is it?

I am using latest stable release of WinSCP under Win 7 Ultimate. Standard transfer protocol via GUI. I am connecting to Xubuntu LTS Lucid Lynx. Happens regardless of commander/explorer interface.

The exact error message is as follows:
File or folder 'C:\Users\Public\Music\Daddy Freddy\Raggamuf?n Soldier\11 Don Number One.MPEG...' does not exist. System Error. Code: 123. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

I have tried un-installing & reinstalling WinSCP, same error.

Bug Report

First off all let me say what a damn neat/good program, beats using PuTTY CLI to SSH from Win 7 into my Xubuntu laptop!

However I have a really weird issue in that WinSCP says some of my MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 files do not exist, even though they do! It has taken issue with Daddy Freddy's Ragamuffin Soldier album (maybe some kinda taste filter, but still.) Any ideas? It will not copy these files across, stating that they do not exist. I can play these files in iTunes & have also carried out a disk check.

PS. I have to use the explorer interface to get round permissions (I assume) locking you out of Libraries, though it will access the Public folders...