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Donation of 10 Feitian PKI smarcards to the WinSCP project

Dear Friends,

In the event this would be usefull, GOOZE would be happy to donate 10 Feitian PKI crytographic cards to the WinSCP project, in order to foster development and help in a better PKCS#11 support.

Our smartcards and USB token rely on OpenSC framework, which is free software.
Read our tutorials to learn how to install OpenSC:
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We would love to see more smartcard/token features in WinSCP.

To apply for a free card, you should be a WinSCP developper, connect here:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>feitian-pki-free-software-developer-card

For legal reasons, we can only ship to the European-Union.

Kind regards,
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