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Topic review


OK. I'll see if more people ask for this.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. The main things you hit are:

1. Restricting directory name length to 42 characters
2. Filtering out < > = ? : ; " * + , / \ | from directory names
3. Filtering out characters 128 - 255

This really shows up when you try to push an iTunes Library to the XBOX, since the directory lengths can be somewhat crazy.

martin wrote:

Is there a particular limitation you are interested in?

The main thing is the restrictions on the directory naming.

Is there a particular limitation you are interested in?

XBOX Xfat Filename and Directory Naming Restrictions

Any thoughts about adding support for restricting directory names? The XBOX 1 has some naming limitations that are somewhat annoying to manually apply to a directory before sending a file to it.

Most XBOX FTP servers handle the filename limitations fine.

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