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Re: after power-flash / re-power (re-boot) ???

Thank you - I have reviewed the links - and this looks like I can do this. I looked before in the 'scripting' area of the web-site and was confused, but now I feel more 'educated' (than confused).

thank you very much

after power-flash / re-power (re-boot) ???

a shortcut starts the Application SOFTWARE (such as WinSCP); it does NOT START the 'process' of directory synchronization.... I keep having to do this manually... - I'm 'guessing' that the WinSCP wants to do a 'full-directory-synch to 'get-started' and I don't know how to get that to happen (maybe within a script?)

I can (have) put the alias / shortcut in the start-up folder but that doesn't get me to where I need to be and that is with the actual synchronization PROCESS started?

As any other application. The symplest way is to add shortcut to startup folder.

after power-flash / re-power (re-boot)???


after a power-flash / re-boot, how to get WinSCP to automagically 'Start' the synchronization process (with the automagic full-directory-synch-now?)