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Re: only FTP is supported

srikanth wrote:

My server supports only FTP connections,if i select SCP/SFTP it does't allow me login.
Is there a way to unTar in FTP mode of connection?

Generally no. Unless your FTP server supports SITE EXEC command (or similar).

only FTP is supported

My server supports only FTP connections,if i select SCP/SFTP it does't allow me login.
Is there a way to unTar in FTP mode of connection?

Re: tar/untar commands inactive

That may be correct answer. Custom commands are supported for SCP and SFTP (via secondary shell session) only.

Also you need to have the archive file selected on the remove file panel.
TLS Explicite

I think you need to login via SSH (and not ftp)

tar/untar commands inactive


I'm trying to untar a package on my server, but untar command is inactive.
Do i have to install some additional software to use this commands?
Thanks in advance for any help.