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Re: Transfer multiple files with automation

john23 wrote:

Is there a way I can move more then one file at a time?

Not using a single script. You can split your transfer into several batches and run them in parallel.

Re: Transfer multiple files with automation

john23 wrote:

I'm trying to keep a directory up-to-date on my server. For that every 10 minutes I have to transfer abut 380 files every 10 minutes (total size 65MB)

Now the problem is that with FTP (automation with keepuptodate script) it can transfer only one file at a time. Is there a way I can move more then one file at a time?

I have a 1Gbit server and home connection is about 20Mb but the transfer of each file happens only around 105KB.

Something like this would do it, modify for your purpose.

C:\"Program Files"\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe /script=putfiles

open s
option confirm off
option transfer binary
cd folder (remote folder)
lcd folder (local folder)
put -delete *.*

The above can be changed to get on the receiving side if you wish.
Just change put to get


Transfer multiple files with automation

I'm trying to keep a directory up-to-date on my server. For that every 10 minutes I have to transfer abut 380 files every 10 minutes (total size 65MB)

Now the problem is that with FTP (automation with keepuptodate script) it can transfer only one file at a time. Is there a way I can move more then one file at a time?

I have a 1Gbit server and home connection is about 20Mb but the transfer of each file happens only around 105KB.