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Topic review


Re: Is this implemented?

Multiply wrote:

Is it implemented in such a way, and if it is, where do I switch it on?

It is not implemented this way.

Is this implemented?

I'm using 4.3.1 (Build 1099) on Windows XP (32-bit), and when I queue a directory, it's only 'one' item. I'd like it to queue up the directory, and sub directories as individual files, as it indexes a dir.

So item 1 would be index, item 2+ would be items that was recently indexed?

Is it implemented in such a way, and if it is, where do I switch it on?

Re: add all files in subdirectories to the transfer queue

OK :)

add all files in subdirectories to the transfer queue

I love WinSCP. However, a frequent use case for me is the need to move an entire directory of files, with sub-directories multiple levels deep. As mentioned in this bug, items selected for transfer are not queued recursively, leading to each sub-directory having a single spot in the queue, rather than each file in each sub-directory getting queued.

This can lead very quickly to only transferring a single file at a time, regardless of the 'max # of transfers at at time' setting for background transfers.

Changing the queuing behavior to recursive would greatly speed up transferring entire directory structures, which would be awesome.