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Topic review


Re: 4.3.4 Triggering McAfee

Thanks. This was reported to McAfee as a false possitive already.

If you are concerned anyway (no reason for that, but still...) you can download Installation package without OpenCandy from Download page.

4.3.4 Triggering McAfee

FYI, downloading the latest WinSCP installer triggers a McAfee UWP definition (unwanted program.. i.e. Adware) by default. Or at least it did on my system. Looks like it is once again being classified as adware despite it just being an installer only thing.

Here is the log entry from McAfee:
7/28/2011 8:43:21 AM Deleted XXXX\XXXXXX C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\is-G5PEJ.tmp\winscp434setup.tmp C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\is-L1PNT.tmp\OCSetupHlp.dll Adware-OpenCandy.dll (Adware)

Re: 4.3.1 beta - Adware/Virus Found?

@dolmen: Yes. Please read more in OpenCandy documentation.

Re: 4.3.1 beta - Adware/Virus Found?

Do you bundle OpenCandy with WinSCP?

Re: 4.3.1 beta - Adware/Virus Found?

Thanks. We are working with Microsoft on resolving this.

Oops, don't know why I came up as guest when I posted this.

Anyways, thought I'd pass this along since it's in beta.

4.3.1 beta - Adware/Virus Found?

Hey all,

Thought I'd report in that Microsoft Security Essentials has flagged the download for 4.3.1 beta as a threat.

Attached is a screenshot as reference.