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Topic review


janK wrote:

unfortuantely i have this option unchecked and still last visited folders are saved.

That must be some mistake. The option must be unchecked in the stored session you are opening. You maybe refer to default setting, when you start the program, don't you? It works fine for me, at least the latest version.


thanks for the response.
unfortuantely i have this option unchecked and still last visited folders are saved. however i can't find a pattern "where & how" now...

Re: passwords saved

Password saving is an error, it will be fixed in the next release. To disable remembering last directories used, turn off "Remember last used directory". The option is off by default, you must have turned it on.

passwords saved

hi everybody.

i noticed that in version 3.5 passwords and last visited folders are automatically saved in my sessions.

the questions is simple - how can i turn it off?
i was looking everywhere, but i might be blind... thanx!
