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Re: Weird default file action behavior

vektor wrote:

In this case, I propose changing the default to "Open". I believe this is what Windows user expects to happen.

It used to be a default. So many people wanted Edit to be a default that I had to change it.

Re: Weird default file action behavior

martin wrote:

Verified that WinSCP behaves in accordance with this documentation.

In this case, I propose changing the default to "Open". I believe this is what Windows user expects to happen.

Weird default file action behavior

Problem: double-clicking or pressing Enter on a local file opens editor instead of associated program.

Steps to reproduce:
0) (optional) set PSPad as external viewer/editor.
1) log in to any server, so you get the main window in NC-style interface.
2) right click any local file: the 1st, bold (thus default) menu item is Open. Clicking this opens the associated program - this is OK.
3) double click the same local file, or press Enter while it is selected.

Expected behavior: file is open in associated program.

Actual behavior: file is open in PSPad.

Rationale: double-clicking or pressing enter on a selected file usually produces the same result as invoking the default (bold) popup menu item.

Further information:
WinSCP version: 4.2.9 (build 938)
Windows 7 64bit
NC-style interface