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Re: Standard Last modified datetime of the remote file.

unaligned wrote:

Does this mean that if I am writing a program that automates downloading or uploading files that are new every day (files still exist from previous days in the directories) that there is no way via code to determine which files the program should ul/dl?

Please read

Re: Standard Last modified datetime of the remote file.

martin wrote:

You cannot access this functionality directly from script. You can use ls command to get directory listing including the modification timestamp.

Does this mean that if I am writing a program that automates downloading or uploading files that are new every day (files still exist from previous days in the directories) that there is no way via code to determine which files the program should ul/dl?

Re: Standard Last modified datetime of the remote file.

You cannot access this functionality directly from script. You can use ls command to get directory listing including the modification timestamp.

Standard Last modified datetime of the remote file.

I had searched a specific command for last modified datetime of the remote file. The basic ftp command for this purpose is MDTM. Does Winscp support this operation.????

Get remote file changed date and time.


Can you please help to which command will give me last modified remote file date and time? I tried to find out but failed to do.
